Déhanche | Impact

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Women's rights and artistic expression - two fundamental freedoms that shape who we are - are being dismantled. Across the world, reproductive healthcare is being stripped away, and the ability to create, express and challenge convention is being censored. The forces seeking to control women's bodies are the same ones silencing the art, ideas, and voices that dare to defy.

This International Women's Month 100% of proceeds from The Hutch and The Jeanne styles will be donated to the Center of Reproductive Rights, an organization dedicated to ensuring that reproductive freedoms are protected through law. The CRR fights in courts worldwide to defend access to contraception, safe abortion, and maternal healthcare, holding governments accountable when they fail to protect these fundamental rights. Their work is urgent, their impact is undeniable, and we are proud to support them.

Fashion is more than what we wear.

It is identity. It is a protest. It is power. And now, more than ever, we must use it.

- Erin Webb